You may have heard about all of the great things that iPhones can do. If you’re interested in purchasing an iphone, the piece below is a great resource for information about its true capabilities.
You can now set location-based reminders linked to locations.You can ask Siri to remind you to do an action at 5pm. You can tell Siri to remind you to do something when you reach a certain location like home. The phone will automatically know you are at the destination and remind you the reminder. You can still have your reminder if you’re not sure when you will get home.
The iphone allows you to grow the ability to construct a dictionary and shortcuts. You can use the diction feature of your iphone. You can easily add phrases and shortcuts to save yourself time. The keyboard automatically tries to correct you go.
Siri has the ability to set reminders based on location. Instead of the time-based reminders, you can use location-based reminders. You have the ability to ask Siri to tell you to visit to dry cleaner when you leave your house. When the phone’s GPS realizes you are home, it will give you the reminder. You can remind yourself even if you are unsure of the time you will get home.
You can snap a photo using your headphones. Begin by framing the subject to be filmed into view. Once you’re ready to take a picture, push down the button on the cord. This will process the picture. You can now save your picture by following the usual steps.
This fabulous feature allows you to receive and view messages right away directly on your messages. You may choose to sync just one account or various email accounts to your iphone.
If you are writing something and wish not to use the iPhone’s suggested words, it is not necessary to hit “x” to remove the box. You can eliminate the screen to dismiss the box.
A protective screen is a wonderful investment for your iPhone. Without a protector, there will be scratches and nicks. Even a tiny bit of dirt on the fingertip or keys in your pocket will scratch the screen. Make sure your phone is always covered by protection.
If you value your privacy greatly, think twice about talking to her a lot. Apple keeps recordings of almost all Siri voice prompts on their internal servers. This is to further develop the program’s speech recognition capability, and even though they try to secure these files, your discussions with Siri may be saved.
You can use the settings to make the iphone to visually indicate incoming call or message. Just go to the Settings menu and navigate to “General, then to “general” and next to “accessibility.” Then simply activate the LED Flash on alerts feature.
Functionality Issues
It is possible to take a picture from your headphone cord. The first thing you’ll want to do is line up the shot you want. Simply push the volume button on the headphone cord. This will take the photo. Save the picture as you normally would.
Always ensure that you are keeping your OS is upgraded to the most recent version. Apple iPhones have now almost become as intricate as computers, so there exists sporadic patches to repair functionality issues, security holes and functionality issues. These updates are critical for the security of your phone in top running order.

Update your iphone firmware on a regular basis.This increases both your iPhone’s functionality and battery life. Just make sure you have iTunes on your computer and hook your iphone to it.You can also connect your iphone to your iTunes and Apple computer with iCloud.
Choose a ringtone if you love. You don’t just want to be boring and get your own customizable ringtone. You can upload your favorite tunes or any sound byte that makes you like. This is a good way to let your personality shine through!
Compose emails, notes, and messages faster with this easy tip. Sometimes, you will be provided an alternative word, as you can tap out of this to delete the suggestion. Although the suggestion box has an “x” button for closing the window, you don’t have to use it.
Don’t waste time with word suggestions. This way you from having to click on the “x” after every time you type.
You probably already know your phone can set reminders based on certain time. You can say “remind me to go to the store after work. There are many different reminders that you can be implemented on the iphone.
If you lack the time to finish emails, hit cancel. The device will ask if you wish to save the email in your drafts folder. This allows you to finish up your email when you have something to do.
Sync your email accounts with your iPhone to easily access your messages. That is critical, so you can receive notifications instantly when you get messages, and can view them right on your phone. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.
Tap cancel in order to save an email message.You will receive a popup asking how you wish to proceed; one option to Save your work.When you choose Save, your message will be placed into the Drafts folder which will allow you to continue writing your message later. If you do not currently have a Draft folder, going this route will set one up for you.
The iphone offers an integrated dictionary that is quite comprehensive. This feature is available in nearly any app. Simply hold your finger on any word and choose “Define” from the list of options bar appears.
You iphone can send great photos to your loved ones by using the iphone. You can do this by following either of two processes. First, you can save the image and then add it as an attachment to an email, or you can upload it onto Facebook.
You can take a screenshot with your iPhone. Simply hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously when you at the screen you want an image of. The screen goes white, and that’s how you know you have a screenshot.
You can go through your iphone contacts in three different ways. You can scroll through normally, scrolling through the whole list with your finger, or lightly press click on the list. The last way allows you scroll quickly through your entire list.
After looking through this article, you have probably picked up a few tips and tricks that you had not heard of before. If that describes you, simply apply the material to your daily life, maximize your iphone experience or make a purchase decision.