Camping is a vacation option that should not be overlooked. It is important to plan no matter how long your trip will be. The following advice can make any camping trip more relaxing and fun.
Look for where you’re going to set up your shelter before darkness falls. It can be hard to set up camp when it’s dark outside. Those that live in urban areas find this to be the case even more than those that are used to pitch black darkness. Avoid being in that position; find good shelter before the sun goes down.
Let everyone of your family members have a say on where to go camping. Talk about which state to go to. Since the are so many great options to choose from across the U.S., it might be hard to select only one! Make a list of your favorites and allow the family to vote.
After buying a tent, make sure to pitch it in your yard before you leave for a trip. This helps you learn to put up your tent and make sure there aren’t missing pieces. This will also allow you to feel more comfortable about setting up the tent later.
Emergency kits are a good thing to have prepared for any camping trip. What you include will depend on where you are going and when. Some extra things,like antivenom should be included for specific types of wildlife as well.
Over-packing is better than under-packing when it comes to children. Camping is messy business. Kids simply love to get dirty. This means that your kids will get dirty during the day. The solution is not to stop them from getting dirty, but to have clean clothes ready for them after they are done. Remember, always be prepared!
Even camping purists may find that having a small luxury item is a good thing. Bring along something lightweight and easy to carry, like a little bit of cream for your coffee or a candy bar. These things can help to keep you happy and make your trip more enjoyable.
Make sure that your bags include oranges, since these double up as both a handy and healthy snack but also serve as an organic and natural repellant of mosquitoes. After enjoying the sweet juicy fruit, use the inside of the peel to rub on skin for a chemical free insect repellant.
Make sure to bring duct tape on your camping trip to fix almost any problem. It is good for patching holes in tents, shoes, and inflatables. It is also good for securing tents and sealing up mosquito nets.
Do not forget to pack duct tape for your camping trip so that it can solve neraly any problem! It works quickly in a pinch for tent holes, inflatables with leaks, shoes with worn soles, securing the tent to its pole, sealing up your mosquito netting and many, many more things.
Trip Early
When you go camping for the first few times, be sure that your camp is close to where you live. You may encounter problems with your equipment, or you may decide to come home early. You might not pack enough food, or you may run short on clothing. There are many unexpected problems you may encounter the first time you go camping, so stay close to home.
When you go camping for the first few times, be sure that your camp is close to where you live. Things may go wrong and you may have to abort your trip early if things don’t go your way. You may run short of food or need more clothing than you packed. There could be a lot of reasons why you need to end your trip early, so keeping your first trip close to home can save a lot of headaches.
Take along items to use while you are camping in the wild. Fishing poles, card games and even a scavenger hunt list will make great entertainment in the woods. If you are bringing children on your trip, you should bring a few more entertainment supplies than you think you’ll need.
If you camp in an area known to have dangerous wildlife, be sure to incorporate extra precautions to stow away food securely. This means you must warp things up tightly, keep them away from the tent, and avoid some food types while camping. This will reduce the likelihood of experiencing an attack.
If you are camping in a location with dangerous wildlife, take safety precautions with your food. So, you will need to keep things wrapped well, keep them far removed from the tent, and you may need to steer clear of certain foods entirely. This will reduce the likelihood of experiencing an attack.
You must take the appropriate items with you when camping. Even just a few missing items can turn your trip into a disaster. Make an all-inclusive list, and check each item off as you pack. The most basic requirements are a tent, water, sleeping bag, an all-purpose knife, food, matches and soap.
Don’t let your flashlight batteries get drained inadvertently. You may accidentally turn on a flashlight while you’re looking through what you have packed for your trip. To prevent draining the batteries, place them in your flashlight backwards. This prevents accidental switch nudges so that they will remain fresh when you need them.
Be certain to have multiple lanterns or flashlights handy as well as additional batteries. You will likely need to see when it gets dark out. You can use light to make sure you’re not going to fall over due to the terrain, or run into a wild animal. If you have kids with you on your camping trip, hand each of them a flashlight.
Your sleeping bag should be able to accommodate a variety of camping conditions. If its winter, use a heavy-weight bag and use a light-weight one in the summer. You want a sleeping bag that is close to your body and helps you retain your body heat if you plan to sleep in a tent.
Watch your children at all times. It is easy for children to get lost, and cars often come and go. An accident can occur quickly, so it is important to be vigilant.

Make sure to have a picture of your children when camping with them. If the unthinkable happens and your kids get lost, possessing a picture of them could be a lifesaver. You should bring another photo to keep in case of emergencies.
An orange peel may just be the natural answer to repelling mosquitoes when you’re out camping. This is an especially useful tip to remember if you forgot your bug spray. Rub the white, pithy insides of the orange skin over your skin. Mosquitoes should be repelled from you for a few hours.
Find a great location to set up your camper. Always avoid camping near a bee’s nest or insect breeding grounds. If you are next to a lot of vegetation, it is a good idea to wear longer sleeves to protect you from insects. It may be wise to take along bug spray too.
Consider the erection spot for your tent carefully. Always avoid camping near a bee’s nest or insect breeding grounds. If you are by plants or flowers, bring pants to block insects. It may be wise to take along bug spray too.
Bring along a survival kit and a first-aid kit. These items can literally save your life, or to a lesser extent, prevent you from returning from your trip before you are ready to do so. You can avoid making situations worse, and you can take an injured person for help in a safe way.
Start setting up camp well before dark. It’s very hard to set up your tent when it’s dark outside. You will have to have a flashlight or create a fire. The easier thing is just to do it before darkness falls.
Matches that are waterproof are a key component of any survival kit. Store them in a container that is both airtight and watertight. You can convert standard matches into waterproof ones simply by dipping each one into substances like nail polish or paraffin. You can also make a caddy for them out of a 35mm film container or a medicine bottle made out of plastic.
When setting up a tent, be sure its seams are all sealed. If you tent did not include a tube of sealer, you can find it at sporting goods stores. This will prevent rain or little critters from getting inside.
If camping has always appealed to you, but you remain a novice, you can rapidly determine whether the pastime does indeed suit you. Pitch a tent in your yard and sleep under the stars. Don’t go into your house at all until morning. If you enjoy this, you may like camping!
When your camping trip is over, make sure to leave a clean campsite behind. You should have trash bags on hand for this purpose. Pack up any food that may remain and remove it from the campsite. The thing to keep in mind as you prepare to go home is that the only sign of your stay in the woods should be your own footprints.
One essential supply to take camping is a solid first aid kit. The first aid kit should be well stocked in case an accident does occur. Examples of some of the items that should be in your first aid kid include aspirin, bandages, splints, snake bite kit, antiseptic spray and more. Of course, you need to pay attention to your safety and try to avoid accidents. However, you need your kit to prepare you for when accidents do happen.
Pack your food properly to avoid food poisoning. Make sure to maintain the best preservation possible to keep your food fresh for the longest period of time. Bring ample amounts of ice along in coolers to keep perishable items cold, and drain the water from melting ice each day to prevent food from becoming wet.
Always bring lots of sunscreen. Protecting yourself from the sun’s rays is important. Make sure to purchase a high SPF since you’ll be outdoors for long periods of time. Ideally, a sunscreen that doubles as insect repellent would probably be the best choice. This will keep your pack light and save you time.
Sleeping Bag
Save your dryer lint and bring it with you when you camp. Lint can be great kindling, even though it sounds funny. The flames generated by lint are super-bright. All that’s needed for a toasty fire is a spark and a pile of lint.
Your sleeping bag selection should be made with the expected climate in mind. Summer requires only a lightweight sleeping bag. However, you’ll need a heavyweight sleeping bag to keep you warm at night.
Take along some water purification tablets when you go camping. Never say never, but if you get hurt or lost in the great outdoors, you will need the purification tablets if you can’t boil water. It is also a good idea to try out the tablets once or twice at home before you leave, so you have some idea what the taste is like. It would be bad to grow dehydrated along the way, simply because you found the water unpleasant to drink.
Novice campers often set up their tent near bathrooms, but this is an error. Such campers think that situating their tent in such an area will be convenient, but they soon realize the error of their ways. Many people travel to the bathrooms, and they also have lights. Consequently, campers that pitch their tents near communal campsite bathrooms have neither the convenience nor the comfort that they may have expected.
Do your bathroom chores downstream if your camp site is close to a water source. This ensures that any water that flows through your camp site won’t be contaminated with your “special gift.” Relieve yourself at least one hundred yards from your campgrounds.
After reading this, you should be well prepared for planning your next camping trip. You should have figured it out that you need to do equal amounts of planning no matter how long the trip is. Start planning now, and soon you’ll be on your way to your own memorable camping trip.
Be sure that you know what poisonous plants look like before you go camping. Poisonous plants sometimes resemble regular harmless plants, so you have to know what to look for. Purchase a book showing poisonous plants that are found in the area you want to visit, or do an online search. Once you are armed with this knowledge, you can avoid being harmed by any poisonous plant life.