Snoring can be a sensitive subject for the people that suffer from it. If you’re self-conscious about how much you snore and want to discover how to eliminate it, then read the below article.
Another way to help stop yourself from snoring, is by using a couple pillows and propping yourself up into a sitting position while sleeping. This prevents nasal drainage from getting into your nose. Instead, you should let them flow into your lungs. By keeping the nasal passages clear, you will lessen your chances of snoring.
Stay well-hydrated to prevent snoring. Your mucus becomes thicker when you’re dehydrated, leading to clogged airways and snoring. Drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of your body weight, to ensure you stave off dehydration and avoid snoring.
Quit using drugs that are illegal. They can cause you to snore, let alone the other health hazards they create. Marijuana and similar drugs relax you. Commercial pain killers can also have the same affect. Being fully relaxed feels great when you’re conscious, but it’s not so good when you’re snoring in your sleep.
Speak with your doctor to see if one of your medications is creating your snoring. Prescription medications can cause you to snore as a side effect. There are many medications currently available that may relax the muscles in your throat and restrict airways. These medications include pain medicine, muscle relaxers, sleeping pills and antihistamines. When the muscles in your airways become constricted, you snore.
Exercise often to reduce the intensity of your snoring. This helps to form the proper breathing patterns, so that you can take long deep breaths at night. Exercise reduces your stress, as well as helps your lungs stay healthy. If you are stressed out, it can change how you breathe, as well. This can increase your risk of snoring.
A good way to limit snoring is to go to a pharmacy and have the pharmacist recommend an OTC remedy designed to address snoring. Although prescription treatments are also available, you may be able to save money if you can find an effective over-the-counter product. These types of medications work by reducing the swelling, and any other factors that may make your air passages narrow.
Run a humidifier each night when you go to bed. Having a humidifier running will produce a consistent level of warm moisture in the air. As you inhale the vapor, you will be moisturizing, not only the nasal passages, but your throat as well. This can result in a decrease of your snoring.
Dairy Products
Even if you have not been diagnosed with lactose intolerance, dairy products are a common culprit of snoring. Dairy products lead to an increased production of phlegm, which will obstruct your airways in your nose and throat. Instead of drinking warm milk, try a nice cup of tea as an alternative and see if that can relieve the snoring issues at all.
Before going to sleep, dine on a spoonful of honey. No one really knows why it mitigates snoring, but the anecdotal evidence that it does work is strong. When you consider honey’s many other health benefits, it doesn’t seem so strange that it can also help with snoring.
One possible snoring cure that many people believe in is the tennis ball method. Simply sew a pocket on the back of your shirt, and insert a tennis ball before retiring. You may also put a tennis ball inside an old sock and pin it to the back of your shirt if your sewing skills are limited. This will make it very uncomfortable to lie on your back, forcing your body to turn over. Once you are used to sleeping in this position, you can stop sleeping with the tennis ball.
Some people find that an adjustable bed is helpful in reducing their snoring. An adjustable bed enables you to elevate your upper body. This prevents your airway from collapsing under your weight. The result can be a huge reduction in snoring.
Nasal Dilators
Internal nasal dilators is one possible way to treat a problem with snoring. Some people actually do snore through their nose! Nasal dilators are placed inside your nostrils to help them remain fully open. This method is effective in relieving nasal-based snoring.
Do not consume dairy products before going to bed. Eating dairy can make more mucus that can cause you to snore. The mucus can block your airways, leading to too much snoring.
Many people who snore ignore the fact that their snoring affects the relationships they have. Snoring can alienate a partner due to the disturbing nature of the condition. Since snoring is bad for a relationship, it’s important to seek treatment early!
Treat your allergies to end snoring. Allergies can cause nostrils to be clogged and produce respiratory problems. Mouth breathing is common among those with allergies, and this can increase snoring. Use an antihistamine, in conjunction with a humidifier, to control allergies at night.
Now that you’ve read this article, you should know how to effectively eliminate your snoring. Keep trying new techniques until you find one that works, solving your problem and helping everyone to sleep soundly.