Home Apparel&Jewelry Things To Remember When It Comes To Jewelry

Things To Remember When It Comes To Jewelry


TIP! For example, you should never use bleach, turpentine, or ammonia on your jewelry. This will result in damage to both the stones and the metal of the piece.

Discovering the best jewelry knowledge and applying it to your life is not always easy. There is so much information available, applying it to your life can seem pointless. This article contains some of the best tips available.

TIP! Store your jewelry collection carefully. The right jewelry box that has separate compartments, hooks and holders to keep the pieces apart is the best choice.

Use a polishing cloth for all of your jewelry pieces. This is a natural way to shine all of your jewelry without relying on abrasives or other harsh chemicals. Polish your jewelry with a two-sided polishing cloth as you might buff a lovely glass. Use the side of the cloth that is designed for polishing to remove fingerprints, dust and other surface imperfections, and then use the opposite side to buff the jewelry and make it gleam.

TIP! When you purchase jewelry, you are investing in an item that will last a lifetime. When purchasing your next jewelry item, focus on buying a quality, well-made piece.

Don’t use acetone, bleach, ammonia or turpentine to clean copper. This could cause the stone to change color or become dull in appearance, and it may eat away at the enamel on the piece.

TIP! Observe them and see what jewelry pieces the happen to be wearing, such as necklaces, earrings, or rings. Also take note of any metals or stones they seem to prefer.

Jewelry should be stored in an air-tight and humid free area. To maximize protection, put your jewelry in a jewelry box or a small drawstring bag. Humid air affects the metals in jewelry and causes tarnishing. Precious metals can often be polished to remove most tarnish. Non-precious metals often have a single coat of metal. Therefore, polishing them can remove the coat and show the copper that is found underneath.

Synthetic Gems

TIP! Keep your jewelry pieces looking beautiful by protecting them from tarnish. When you are close to water, do not wear your jewelry.

Knowing what type of jewel you are buying when you purchase jewelry is very important. There are three different types: natural, synthetic and imitation. Imitation gems are made out of glass or plastic; natural and synthetic gems both consist of real gemstone. Synthetic gems are grown in a lab, natural gems are dug out of the Earth.

TIP! If you own costume jewelry, it is important to properly care for it. Well-done costume jewelry is often worth the price, but if it’s worn out or visibly damaged, it won’t be worth the effort it takes to restore it.

Most jewelry is intended to last for a life time. Whenever you buy jewelry, make sure you go to a reliable, experienced dealer, so you know you’re getting an outstanding piece of jewelry. High quality jewelry is well-crafted and made of exceptional materials. A good jeweler can provide you with some background on the piece, such as who crafted it, where it was manufactured, and where any stones in it came from. Investing in a high-quality jewelry piece ensures that you will have a timeless item that will be just as wearable in 20 years as it is today.

TIP! Give the jewelry a test-run by wearing it for a day. Does it feel comfortable and hang properly? This can also help you see whether the piece is durable enough to last.

Pay attention to the types, sizes, and colors of jewelry that the person wears. This will help you get started in your search for the perfect item of jewelry for your loved one.

TIP! When you are looking for jewelry to purchase, give careful thought to the stones you prefer. Purchase stones that are a reflection of you who are, and match your skin tone as well.

Be sure to at least inquire about the insurance that is available when you buy jewelry from a reputable jeweler. Many stores offer a policy where you can bring broken or damaged jewelry back to the original jeweler for repair at little to no cost. Many jewelers also have insurance for lost or stolen pieces.

Costume Jewelry

TIP! If you put on your jewelry only after you have put on your makeup, you will have to clean it less. Putting jewelry on prior to applying makeup or hairspray allows gunk and grime from your beauty products to settle on the jewelry, leaving it dull and potentially harming the finish.

When collecting costume jewelry, pay close attention to the condition of any piece you are considering. Costume jewelry make good investments and they can be costly, but an item that shows major signs of usage will be a poor investment of your time and money. Jewelry that’s in good repair can be a much better investment.

TIP! Always keep an eye on sales when you’re looking to acquire some new jewelry pieces. The right sale can save you a ton of money.

Before you buy, ask the jeweler if and how the gemstone was treated. The various treatments that gems are given means that they need to be cared for differently. Cleaning a treated gem using the wrong chemical might damage it.

TIP! Many times, the cut and clarity of a diamond outshines its actual carat weight. Also, keep in mind the personality of the person you are giving the diamond to.

Watch for jewelry sales if you’re in the mood to shop. If the sale is a good one, you can save a lot of money. Look for the best promotions and sales on the Internet, in your local paper, on television ads, and even in storefront windows. If you purchase something on clearance, you might save 50% or more off the original purchase price.

TIP! When you are purchasing expensive jewelry, you should remind yourself that this is an investment that you will want to wear for many years. You should be getting a quality item because of the price, but make sure you select something that will not go out of style.

Take extra care when you are untangling necklaces. Don’t give up on getting the knots out, instead get a sheet of plastic wrap. Put the chain on the wrap, then pour on a bit of mineral oil or baby oil. Use a sewing needle to untangle the necklace. Wash with dish soap and pat dry.

The shape and shine of a diamond means more than the size. You must think of the person who will be wearing the jewelry.

TIP! An excellent suggestion is to keep in mind that large jewelry should be combined with simple outfits. Wear a solid color or the “little black dress” to highlight interesting pieces.

When looking to purchase a considerably expensive jewelry piece, purchase an item that will stay with you for a lifetime. Although you usually get high-quality jewelry when you spend a lot of money, you also need to consider the style of the piece. Even if everyone is wearing a piece at the moment, it might look outdated next year. Look for something classic and timeless.

TIP! If you are a jewelry maker who sells at craft fairs, holiday markets and such, you may have trouble coming up with ways to properly display it. When you are making a jewelery piece keep in mind how you will be displaying it.

If you have gold necklaces and bracelets, you can actually make money from your jewelry while still keeping your pieces. Cut off some of the excess, making certain that it still fits, and you will have something to sell and still be able to use the jewelry as well. By pruning your gold pieces, you may be able to bring in a tidy sum.

TIP! A lot of people enjoy wearing yellow gold and silver jewelry at the same time. To pull this off, you need to buy a jewelry piece that contains both metals at once.

Presentation is important, just as much to you when you are selling home-made jewelry at a craft sale or flea market as it is to a posh jewelry store. While you source your jewelry materials, keep an eye out for display ideas. Different types of boxes, stands, racks and baskets can all be turned into jewelry when you think outside the box.

TIP! Know your jewelry budget before you shop. A beautiful ring will soon lose its allure if you have placed yourself in a significant amount of debt just to acquire it.

If you want to get better at purchasing, wearing and caring for your jewelry, you have to stay educated. Because of this article, you will be able to allocate your time to shopping now that you have a wealth of knowledge. You will have success with your jewelry experience if you follow the information contained in this article.

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