You never look more knowledgeable than when you look at a long wine list and know the differences among those offered. There is much to know about wine, and this article is a good starting point. Continue reading to learn more about the wines you love.
Know the store where you purchase your wine. Not every shop is the same. Every place has its own unique way of doing business, from the selection to the prices. When first stepping into the wine-tasting world, finding a shop that sells only the most expensive brands isn’t a great idea. Find the perfect shop for your needs.
Wine tastings are great to attend. These occasions are a great way to sample new flavors affordably. Make the wine tasting a social event. Invite your friends and family over to taste the wine. You will have a great time tasting wines with your friends and even meet new, interesting people.
Store your wine in the proper element to keep it fresh and tasty. Extreme temperatures can ruin the flavor of just about any wine. Around 50-55 degrees is the optimum temperature for wine storage. Try a wine refrigerator or just keep your wines in your basement.
Wine Cellar
Get a wine cellar should you wish to make the most of the wine you buy. You cannot store some of the most expensive varieties out in the open or under a cupboard, so a wine cellar is a worthy investment to protect high-dollar collections. A wine cellar can prolong the life of your wines.
Decrease the amount of wine you drink if you notice a headache after drinking it to accompany a meal. This is because wines contain sulfites. These sulfites have been linked to headaches. Drink less and enjoy it more.
Don’t be afraid of experimentation. Tasting new wines is a great way to educate yourself about different regions of the world and the wines they produce. Try a wine that has been recommended to your or that you have read about on your own. You may discover a new wine you never tried before is your new favorite.
White wines do not always need to be chilled before serving. The texture is one factor to consider in temperature choice. While sauvignon blanc is best served chilled, wines like chardonnay and pinot gris taste better at warmer temperatures.
Sparkling wines and champagnes should be poured very cold. If you drink these beverages at room temperature, the flavor will be compromised. When you put the champagne in the fridge about 2 hours before it will be served, you will really notice the difference.
Dessert wines are those that are ideal for after dinner drinking. They offer a rich tasting experience. Some possibilities are French Champagne or Italian Moscato. Your guests will love to drink a glass of wine near the fire.
White wines are generally best when drunk within two years of being bottled. The only exception to this is Chardonnay. This is due to the fact that oak is usually not used in white wines. Other types of wines on the other hand, the exact opposite is usually true.
Get the right stemware for your occasion when wine is being served. Good looking, clean and sharp stemware greatly improves the appeal of the wine. If your stemware is outdated or chipped, it’s time to get newer pieces.
Which type of Spanish wine you have will dictate how you keep it fresh. Most people usually drink Rioja around here, and this will stay good up until 7 years after it is bottled. It is stored in cool, dark places and will taste great when you are ready for it.
White wine differs from red wine in that each has its own ideal temperature at which it should be served. Reds should be served at a temperature that is 10-15 degrees warmer than white wines. One of the best methods is to chill your wine in the refrigerator first and then let it sit out at room temperature for a few minutes. A general rule of thumb would be to serve red wines at around 60 degrees and white, at 45 degrees, Fahrenheit.
Six Glasses
When dining out with friends, do not order wine by the glass. Keep in mind that six glasses of wine equals one bottle, so share. Ordering six glasses of wine is usually much more expensive than buying a single bottle; therefore, ordering the one bottle and splitting it six ways with your friends can help all of you save a lot of money. In addition, you may discover a new favorite wine in the process.
Many people overlook sake when considering different types of wines. Most people think this pairs only with sushi. This wine is compatible with many different foods, platters, and desserts. If you want to recreate an authentic Japanese diner, serve a strong sake and prepare some stir-fry.
Drinking a glass of white wine with a seafood dinner can really enhance the flavor. It brings out the flavors. Seafood also helps bring out all the flavor of white wine. This is truly a perfect match.
A bit of wine knowledge will turn you into a sophisticated drinker. Utilize the solid tips provided here, and you can be one step closer towards being able to distinguish between any wines. Soon you will be able to have a clear understanding of wine.